Posted in Relationship Talks

My Ma and Pa Met His Ma and Pa.

I just lost my boyfriend…he’s my fiance now!


Ma and Pa finally met my boyfriend’s parents last Saturday. We had dinner at Joven’s Grill and Seafood at Parkmall.

L-R: Mom, younger brother, dad, boyfriend, his dad, his mom, his younger sister, your’s truly.

The dinner was to celebrate his mom’s 60th birthday and to talk about our plan for this year. We’re GETTING MARRIED! Both our parents affirmed to our plans. 🙂 So right now, we are…


We plan to have just a simple celebration when the day comes. Teaser: It would be before our anniversary.

Presenting, us with our respective parents. 🙂 Haha (Excuse me for the quality of the photo. And no, that’s not our baby.)

People around us are already excited to have our family tied together. We are, too. Stay tuned and updated… that day is not very far.


Posted in The Blog

My Confession — How It All Started.

I am a blogger…Yes, I am!

“I write…because there is a voice within me that will not be still.” ~Sylvia Plath

I met my college writing teacher sometime last week. We exchanged hi’s and hello’s. He asked me about a post shared on my Facebook account. “Are you blogging?” I was surprised. (I thought, did he actually checked on my blog?) I hesitated to say yes, so I just nodded. He said, “Great!” I was surprised again. (He was one of the few people who knew that I have this dream of writing to express my thought. He was also one of them who encouraged me me to pursue it.)

The thought of blogging came to my mind when I was in high school. I was a writer of the campus paper then. I participated as a feature and editorial writer in some journalism competitions, but unfortunately, winning was very elusive to me. Haha.. Our school paper adviser made a blog for convenient posting of our articles. That’s when I met the idea of becoming a “blogger”.


Then I started to dream of becoming one — as a frustrated writer I am, I wanted to write about my thoughts, my experiences, the people around me, and whatever goes under the sun. I love the thought of having them posted and knowing that some people from other parts of the world are able to read them (feels like an online diary). Not just writing them on an old notebook I have been keeping since.

I was 12 when I started writing. I can still remember, I used to write my thoughts on a recycled notebook ( a notebook I used during the past school year with some extra clean pages left) because I couldn’t afford to buy a new one. I wrote in “dual-language” (Visayan-English). 🙂 Eight years later (when my knowledge about the universal language has improved and became better), I re-read my writings. I couldn’t help but laugh with my grammar and sentences. I realized that I had always been trying hard. When I was writing those, my main goal was only to express what I had inside my head and never thought of having anybody read them.

As the years pass, my love for writing grew like a bud slowly opening and waiting for the right time to perfectly bloom. I tried hard to learn English, hoping someday, I can write using this language.

A good friend of mine once told me, “When you write, write from within, write what is on the top of your head, not what people expect you to write. Your grammar may not be perfect and your sentences may not be well-constructed, who cares? It’s normal. English is not the language you grew up with. Just be open to criticisms and accept corrections. It’s one way of learning.” 

With it, I found the courage to pursue my dream.

Virginia Woolf once said, “So long as you write what you wish to write, that is all that matters; and whether it matters for ages or only for hours, nobody can say.”

Then I found Side by Side.  A dream come true, a prayer answered.

It’s a long way to go, but be doing it slowly. 🙂

Hugs and kisses from yours truly. :*

Posted in Good Vibes!, My Thoughts!

Wildest Dream

Say you’ll remember me standing in a nice dress,
Staring at the sunset, babe
Red lips and rosy cheeks
Say you’ll see me again
Even if it’s just in your wildest dreams, ah-ha, wildest dreams, ah-ha.

Does the lyrics sound familiar? Yeah! It’s Taylor Swift’s song titled “Wildest Dream”. Perhaps, you don’t know that I am also her fan 🙂  I happen to hear this song a couple of times since yesterday. When I got in the office today, someone in the waiting area was singing the said song. Few minutes later, I found myself listening to it on my computer. Hahaha! (In fact, I am still listening to it until this moment of writing this post.) I couldn’t even remember how many times I have clicked the replay button. Ahh…this LSS, too. 😀

While I was enjoying the music..this question came. And it made me thought about it. What is it, anyway?

What is my wildest dream?

When I was younger, I wanted to fly, to go to the moon, to walk on Saturn’s ring, catch the stars and put it on a jar. I wished I could stop the rain by just dancing the “sun-dance”. 😀 My young and innocent mind was indeed innocent. When I went to elementary, my dreams became realistic. I wanted to become a police woman, a doctor, a pilot, a lawyer, a scientist…those were just some, actually. Some of my classmates said, I was too ambitious, some said those dreams are impossible. And even though, I wasn’t sure that I would be able to reach them, but it didn’t stop me from dreaming.


I am now a teacher, and I never dreamed of becoming one when I was younger. But I love what I am now. I didn’t have any regrets of becoming an educator. I am happy to be where I am. Someone asked me, what about my dreams when I was younger? Well, there are things that are not meant for us. Perhaps, I am really not destined to become any of those. HE knows best, and everything has its purpose.

I remember someone told me this a long time ago. “We can dream, wish and pray for anything. But in the end, the ONE above will decide what would be best for us. HE has three answers to every dream, wish and prayer. First, ‘OKAY’, because you deserve it and it’s best for you. Second, ‘NO’, because you don’t deserve it or it’s not good for you and I have better plans. Lastly, ‘WAIT’, you’ll have it on the right time.” 

Did I stop dreaming and wishing then? Nope!  My dreams are my inspiration that is why I keep going. This time, my dreams may not be as wild as yours or vice versa, but let us keep dreaming still, no matter how impossible it may be. Just like what Brian Williams said, “A person starts dying when they stop dreaming”.  Dream on!


P.S  Oh! My wildest dream? This time, I want to become the next President of the Philippine Republic. 😀 hahahah!

Posted in Good Vibes!

Thought for the day! 07-22-15


“Don’t let your fear of what could happen make nothing happen.”

There are things we want to try but we are not trying, things we want to do but we are not doing, places we want to go but we are not going…Why not? FEAR…it is what hold us. The fear of falling, the fear of rejection, the fear of losing, the fear of the consequences. So we choose to just sit their, stay in our comfort zone.

But, how long? How long are we gonna stay there? When will we have that courage to go out from that shell? When will we try to step out of that closet we are in?

Blogging, was one of those things I always wanted to do. I was skeptical at first. I love writing but I wasn’t sure if putting it on a blog is a right thing. I doubted people would even take time to read my posts. I was afraid I’ll be the only person viewing it. I’m no English speaker. I’m no grammar perfect. One day, I thought, “I’ve got a big file of notebooks where I wrote my thoughts, I used up hundreds of pens to write them…how long am I going to continue this?” And so, I decided to start blogging.

Keeping my writings on those notebooks, would be safe from criticism. But that’s not what I wanted. I wanted to share what I am thinking. I wanted to impart the good vibes!

I’m here! Keeping my fingers cross.

P.S  Thank you for droppin’ by. ‘Til next time. *Ciao!