Posted in Blogging Experiences, HOLIDAYS and Special days

Happy 2nd Year, Side by Side!

Life lately… work, K-drama, sleep (skip this sometimes), work, K-drama again. (pfftt!)

Not that I’ve been very busy, I was just hooked up with K-drama lately that sometimes I found myself too lazy to write. Every time I typed a word, I looked at my phone and tadaa.. “just one episode” and then I realized I already had four of it. (facepalm) Which means… no more time for blogging. 😦

Anyway, I’m on a RECOVERY mode now. I’m REHABILITATING myself. I’ll have my life again soon. (fingerscrossed)

So, what do we have here???


It’s this corner’s BIRTHDAY!!

Happy Anniversary with!
You registered on 2 years ago.
Thanks for flying with us. Keep up the good blogging.

Thank you for all the never ending support despite the long hiatus. I’ll be back on track soon, just working on this K-Drama habit.

It’s 2 years and we hope to see you next year, too. 😀

’til next time, everybody!

Keep safe!

Love, Demi


P.S Oh, don’t forget to visit us on Ace and Demi Travel Stories to know where hubby and I had been these days. 😀 See yah!

Posted in Blogging Experiences, The Blog

A New Site.

First of all, I would like to THANK everyone for the never ending support you gave to my blog. Thank you so much for the likes on my posts, and for your comments that I really enjoyed reading. Thank you for patiently waiting for my next entries every time I’m gone for a while. I REALLY appreciate it!!!

When I started Side by Side, I didn’t know it would come this far. But I’m grateful for it. And I’m looking forward to more years in the blogosphere.

As you see, Side by Side is everything — personal, inspiration, love story, poem, fashion, travel, and etc. But this blog is  actually the story of my life, our life. This is the product of my imagination, my will to write and share. This tells everyone how I grow and change in different aspects of my life. It tells about my journey, my love story.

This is my journey! But if you want to, you can walk with me. 

“It takes change to make change! “

With our rising passion in traveling, we decided to make a separate site for all our travel stories. We introduce to you, Ace and Demi Travel Stories. We realized that we’ve been to a lot of places and some of our followers like to read our posts about them. However, they find it hard to filter them because the entries are commingled. That’s how we came to the idea of separating the travel stories.

To my avid Side by Side followers, there is nothing to worry because I’m still running this blog. We’ve come this far, there is no way I’m giving up now. 😀

Anyway, if you would like to hear our travel stories, follow our adventures and misadventures by clicking here.

See you on the other side!!!! :* Blessings!



Posted in My Thoughts!

Let Go and Start Anew.

Sometimes things fall apart so that better things can fall together. ~Marilyn Monroe


There were things I tend to hold on to even when the world conspired to destroy them. It was because I was afraid of losing them.
There were people whom I refused to let go notwithstanding the pain they brought. It was because I worried that I couldn’t find someone like them?
There were memories I didn’t want to forget despite the tears I shed every time I remember them. It was because I hoped those memories to happen again?

I held on to something hoping I could still work things out. I refused to let go some people because of the fear of not finding somebody like them.

I was AFRAID. I was afraid to face tomorrow because I got used to having them in my life. I thought life would be dark without them.

But then I was wrong.

One day, I woke up with a made up mind. I decided to let go. I decided to take a chance and face the unknown tomorrow. It was hard at first. Then I met few people who are better than the ones I had before. I made memories that are more remarkable and worth remembering than the ones I refused to forget before.

I felt my subconscious jeering at me. I think it’s rebuking me because it took me a while to come to this epiphany.

The thing is, sometimes, we are blinded by the things and the comfort that we have and we fail to see the damage it causes. There are times when we clearly see them but we refuse to believe because we fear the consequences.

Everything has an end. Nothing lasts forever. If you’re hurting, cry, let go and move on. Don’t stop there. Don’t think the world stops just because you’re hurting. I know it’s better said than done. But remember you’re not the only one who have been through that. Trust that something and someone better is coming your way. You need to let go of the things or the people who don’t deserve you and make room for those who do.

I have said this a hundred times and I will not be tired of reminding you this: there are really rainy days, but it may rain for 40 days and 40 nights but it will not rain forever. Some day the pouring will stop and there will be plenty of branches where you can lay your nest and START AGAIN

I hope you’ll find the good in goodbye. And when that time comes, give yourself an applause and say “You made it!”


Posted in Travel and Fun

A Weekend Dip. | Durano Eco Farm and Spring Resort

In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks. ~ John Muir


Last weekend, we planned to climb the highest mountain peak in the northern Cebu, but the weather got on our way. It would be very dangerous for us to climb because it was slippery and we’re afraid of landslides. As much as we want it, but we had to choice but to cancel our plan.

However, our feet really itched for an adventure. So, we decided to have a dip in a cold spring instead.

Situated in Barangay Corte, Carmen, Cebu is a place where one could take a dip in a cold spring in the middle of a rainforest. I’m talking about Durano Eco Farm Spring and Resort.


If you’re someone who is sick of chlorinated water and wants a natural one that flows from a cold spring, then this place is perfect for you. The water is flowing and not stagnant. After all, there is no refreshing feeling more than soaking your body in the cold, clean water. 🙂

The gang arrived!

How to get there:
Take a bus from Cebu North Bus Terminal, (all northbound buses will pass by the municipality of Carmen) so you can take any of them. Tell the driver’s assistant (konduktor) to drop you off at Carmen Public Market. The fare is 40pesos. When you get off, a swarm of motorcycle drivers will offer you a ride to your destination. Tell them to take you to Durano Eco Farm. The fare is 35pesos.


Once you get there, you have to pay an entrance fee of 60pesos for adults and 30pesos for kids. You can also book your preferred accommodation like cottages, tables or a tree house. Yes, you read it right. You can also stay in a tree house which is also available for overnight use.

One of the cottages and the kids’ pool. 

From the reception area, you have to descend towards the swimming area. You will hear the sound of the water flowing and feel the tranquility of life in the middle of the forest.

Kids’ pool.

Activities: The place is not only perfect for friends but also for family bondings as well. The resort has pools of various depths. Kids can have their own time at the two kiddie pools located on the upper part. From there, the water flows down to the adult’s pool, from 4ft to the 12ft.

Ace’s dive!

Team building can also be done in the farm. They have enough space to do team building activities. That is if you’re sick of doing it on the beach.


There is also an adjacent river which you can opt to trek. Just be cautioned that the rocks are slippery and the flow of the water is a bit rough. It’s also dangerous to trek it on a rainy weather because of the possibility of a flood.

Green, green, green.

Look at our faces. 😀

Abby, Louise and yours truly. 

Your eyes will be amazed at the wonderful rock formations along the way. And you would surely be more in love with nature and swear to yourself to come back.


Here’s a photo of me not getting enough of all the wonders.

Me trying to take in all the positive ions. 😀 

If the plan does not work, change the plan but never the goal. 

Things don’t always go our way, but if we learn to look at them from another perspective, they will surely lead us to something better. 🙂 Our climb to Mt Manghilao was maybe canceled  but it did lead us here.

Feeling relaxed. 

Thank you for reading ’til here. See yah on our next travel adventure. 😀

Keep safe!





Posted in OOTD

3Bs! Blue, Black and Brown. | OOTD

It’s another beautiful Tuesday! I hope you are all doing great!

I’m still working on a post about our adventure last weekend. I’m hoping to finish it before I go to sleep tonight.

For now, here’s an OOTD entry for today.

Positive mind. Positive vibes. Positive life. 

My outfit is a combination of the three B colors — blue, black and brown. 🙂 My accessories are silver-colored to make the look simple yet elegant.



I love the thin brown belt because it gives life to the whole look. And it seems to match my ombre hair color.


So, what do you think?

Posted in Travel and Fun

How Could We Say ‘No’ to These Places?

Look, how Mother Nature awe us! How could we say ‘No’ to these places?

When you travel, you will get to know many places and meet many different cultures. today is narrowing down a list of 23 places which we assume that those places are so unique and are worth to be seen in your lifetime. Blagaj, Bosnia and Herzegovina source Dongchuan, Red Land in China source Flam Valley, Norway […]

via 23 Extraordinary And Unique Places You should Visit!… — seagirll

Posted in Blogging Experiences, I'm No Poet but I write Poems

When You Don’t Feel Like Writing, but The Words Keep Flowing. ( A Writer’s Quandary)

Been staring on this blank page for a while now.

Written one word, two words… oh, to express I don’t know how.

I have something in mind I wanted to share,

I just can’t find the exact words to start the tale.

My imaginary friends are not visiting me.

I don’t know why, could it be because they are busy?

Oh, I think I understand,

not everytime we have the upper hand.

These words keep flowing,

I don’t really know where they’re coming.

My imaginary friends, they’re what I have waited,

but right now I think, my time isn’t wasted.

A friend once told me,

“the world may fall apart, but you will write anyway”

Because I’m a writer,

and this is my quandary.

photo credit: Google Images

P.S   Hello, there! This is my first attempt into poetry. I’m not sure if I hit the right rules. If you have any suggestions, I’m very open to it. What do you think?

Posted in Blogging Experiences

Blogger Recognition Award

Happy Tuesday, everyone!


It’s been a while since I haven’t got any award nomination here on my corner. But my good friend Paardje of Of Snail Mail, Books and Vanities remembered to give me this Blogger Recognition Award. She’s so sweet. (She even threatened to throw tantrums on me if I reject it. LOL) Thank you, Paardje.

The award has these rules:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog. (Alright, that’s done. )
  • Write a post to show your award.
  • Attach the award to the post.
  • Give a brief story on how your blog started.
  • Give a piece of advice to new bloggers.
  • Select 15 other blogs you want to give the award to.  Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them & provide a link to the award post you created.

Alright, let’s get started…

I started this blog on this same month a year ago. I’ve always love writing. I have plenty of imaginary friends with weird ideas and thoughts. Since I was in elementary, I’ve been keeping an old notebook where I express my thoughts in words. One day, I ran out of pages… hence the idea of using my computer came. You can check out how everything started here. (Because this is supposed to be brief.)

Now, this award asked me to give some advice. This is quite hard, because I’m not that experienced here. But let’s see….

  • Write to express not to impress. (Well, this is the common advice. I see this on Paardje’s post, too. Hahah)
  • Don’t leave your audience hanging. By this, I mean be regular. I didn’t say you blog everyday, because we don’t really have to. Of course there are days when we need to take a break. But don’t be on a hiatus for a long time making your people forget you. Let them know you’re still around.
  • Be part of the community. Interact with other bloggers. Visit blogs of your interest and leave footprints on them. This blogosphere is a world of imaginative people, be open-minded and just enjoy the show. 🙂

I don’t have specific people to nominate because I feel like everyone deserves this award. So, if you are someone who wants to share your story and has some advice to bloggers, YOU ARE NOMINATED!!! 🙂 You are not compelled to do this though, this is just for fun and might be some help to those who are new in the community.

However, if you have an advice yet don’t have time to make a post, you can leave it on the comment box below. 🙂 I would be happy to entertain them.

‘Til next time, wonderful people. 🙂 Keep safe!





Posted in Good Vibes!

Back with The Same Positive Vibes!

Make today as beautiful as you can. Let no one take away your happiness. Smile, laugh at the negativity. And you’re good. 🙂 

Hello, hello, hello everyone!!! (I’m shouting this, did you hear it?)

Oh gush, I miss you guys so much. Not writing for almost two weeks feels like forever. LOL (Yeah, that’s exaggeration.)

Anyway, it is SO good to be back. And hey, I’m back with the same energy. Haha. Forgive my absence for  I was trying to enjoy my first week of being married. 😀 I hope to share some photos of that special day of ours in the coming posts.

So for now… I’ll go ahead and catch up some of your activities. Excuse for the flood of likes. :*

Keep safe, dearies!!!!