Posted in Blogging Experiences

It’s My Time To Shine.

Hello everybody! 🙂 It’s already Thursday, and I hope you all are doing great. Like me, some of you are maybe also excited because tomorrow is of course, Friday. (Who doesn’t love Friday, by the way?)

Alright, before I’ll tell you why I’m excited for the weekend again and again… let me share to you first this new blogging experience.


I have been in this blogosphere for only six months and honestly, I have never been nominated to any awards or anything (they’re not really the reason why Side by Side is here, anyway). But I’m open to it. 🙂

Rae, from Pastel Carousel nominated me to this Sunshine Award, which I’m very grateful. This is my very first award nomination. It’s soooo sweet of her to remember Side by Side and gave me the chance to…well, shine. (You should go check out Rae’s blog, too. It’s adorable! Sure, you’ll be hitting the Follow button on her blog.) Thank you, Rae for the nomination…

So here’s the rules.

  • Thank the person/people who nominated you.
  • Answer the questions from your nominators.
  • Nominate eleven other bloggers
  • Give them eleven questions.
  • You could check out the blogs I nominated and follow them if you like.

Here’s what I was asked. (She only asked five questions. Haha)

  1. How did you come up with your blog name? I have blogged about this here. You might want to check. 
  2. What’s your favorite piece of clothing/jewelry right now? I don’t really have a favorite…but I love to wear dress and skirts — like any kinds of skirts. 
  3. Do you prefer sunlight or moonlight? I prefer sunlight. It reminds me that there is always hope.
  4. What’s your favorite season and why? Well, Philippines only have wet and dry season. I like them balanced…
  5. Name one goal for 2016. Hmmm…be married..haha

Hey! It’s your time to shine. I’m nominating you. You’re not really compelled to participate. This is just for fun.

If you may, answer these…

  1. Describe yourself in three words.
  2. What do you blog about?
  3. Coffee or tea?
  4. Lights on or lights off?
  5. Morning or evening?
  6. What can you not live without?
  7. What is your favorite post on your blog? Link it.
  8. What is your biggest pet peeve?
  9. Aside from blogging, what do you do on your free time?
  10. What is your favorite day of the week?
  11. Who/What inspires you?

Do let me know if you’re participating, I would love to read your answers. 🙂

Keep safe! Love & blessings!


Just some country girl who ran out of notebook to write her thoughts. Welcome to my corner!

30 thoughts on “It’s My Time To Shine.

  1. Thank you for the nomination! You are truly sweet. 🙂 I am awful at following the rules for such awards, but I accept your kindness and appreciate the shout out. Who knows, perhaps I will surprise myself and post about it – if I do, I will let you know.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you, Emz, for this honor! You, however, deserve this award for your cheerful and friendly candor. I enjoy reading the “tidbits of your thoughts”. It is refreshing to read a blog of thoughts that just flow from the heart. Enjoy the fuss!!!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I do have a Q for you. Where do I post the answers to the questions you asked? Do I write a post with those answers and Q’s to other nominees? I have never done this.

        Liked by 1 person

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